[Dev] Documenting Feathercoin Specific Software settings - Part 7
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Remove share balance : - commit
- <item row="3" column="0"> - <widget class="QLabel" name="labelShareText"> - <property name="text"> - <string>Share</string> - </property> - </widget> - </item> - <item row="3" column="1"> - <widget class="QLabel" name="labelShare"> - <property name="font"> - <font> - <family>System</family> - <pointsize>10</pointsize> - <weight>75</weight> - <bold>true</bold> - </font> - </property> - <property name="text"> - <string>0 FTC</string> - </property> - <property name="alignment"> - <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set> - </property> - </widget> - </item>
Code removed
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Remove share balance : - commit
- int shareBalance=0; //Ready for POS - ui->labelShare->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(unit, shareBalance));
Code removed
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
fix api : - commit
Move shapeshift api from http to https
- manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl("http://shapeshift.io/rate/ftc_btc"))); + manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl("https://shapeshift.io/rate/ftc_btc")));
Various exchange addresses are updated to be https . Additional coin exchanges are added
} + if(name_value.toString()=="ftc_ltc") + { + sw=11; + }
Additional if statements to deal with additional cases.
+ QString strURL="https://shapeshift.io/txStat/"+ui->txAddress->text(); + network_request.setUrl(QUrl("https://shapeshift.io/shift"));
Code replaced to https
+ manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl("https://shapeshift.io/rate/ftc_btc")));
Various code replaced https
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Standardise overviewpage : - commit
User interface changes
contrib/bitcoin-qt.pro renamed? pro file not used as part of build now, although used in FTC for Qt temp storage when editing forms?
+ ../src/qt/forms/qrcodedialog.ui \ + ../src/qt/forms/shiftdialog.ui \ + ../src/qt/forms/snapwidget.ui \ + ../src/qt/bitcoin.qrc \ + ../src/qt/feathercoin.qrc \ (error)
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Standardise overviewpage : - commit
User interface changes
- <widget class="QLabel" name="labelMainlogo"> - <property name="text"> - <string/> - </property> - <property name="pixmap"> - <pixmap resource="../feathercoin.qrc">:/images/mainlogo</pixmap> - </property> - <property name="alignment"> + <widget class="QFrame" name="frame"> + <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_4">
Examples of user interface changes, done through Qt.
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Standardise overviewpage : - commit
User interface changes
- bool showImmature =true; + // only show immature (newly mined) balance if it's non-zero, so as not to complicate things + // for the non-mining users + bool showImmature = immatureBalance != 0;
Code replaced.
- setOverview(); -} - -void OverviewPage::setOverview() -{ - ui->labelOverview1->setText(tr("Current Block :")+tr(" %1 ").arg(clientModel->getNumBlocks())); - ui->labelOverview2->setText(tr("Current Difficulty :")+tr(" %1").arg(clientModel->getCurrDifficulty()));
Code removed
- // Show RPC information when blocks had changed - connect(model, SIGNAL(numBlocksChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setOverview()));
Code removed
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Standardise overviewpage : - commit
User interface changes
- void setOverview();
Code removed
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Restore experimental notice : - commit
User interface changes
- <string>This is not experiment,This is our real life and great history.</string> + <string>This is experimental software.</string>
Feathercoin about message changed. Note : about and interface changes were updated later.
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_8"> - <property name="text"> - <string>Our goal is to let you have a good time.</string> - </property> - </widget> - </item> - <item>
About message removed, don’t remember this going in?
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Restore experimental notice : - commit
User interface changes
+ Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Feathercoin Developers
One file updated, copyright. How to handle copy rights - just do a sweep / search and replace in one commit?
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
fix Total Line 1 : - commit
User interface changes
+ //view->setFixedHeight(360); vlayout->addWidget(view); + + QTableView *viewT = new QTableView(this); + viewT->setFixedHeight(26); + vlayout->addWidget(viewT);
fix Total Line 1 Code added.
+ reportViewT=viewT;
Code added
- reportView->setShowGrid(false); + reportView->setShowGrid(false); + + reportModelT = new QStandardItemModel(this); + reportViewT->setModel(reportModelT); + reportViewT->setAlternatingRowColors(true); + reportViewT->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); + reportViewT->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); + reportViewT->verticalHeader()->hide(); + reportViewT->setShowGrid(false); +
Code replaced / added.
- reportModel->setRowCount(addresslist.size()+1); + reportModel->setRowCount(addresslist.size());
Code replaced
- reportModel->setItem(i,0,new QStandardItem(tr("Total"))); - reportModel->setItem(i,1,new QStandardItem(dateWidget->currentText())); - reportModel->setItem(i,2,new QStandardItem(typeWidget->currentText())); - reportModel->setItem(i,3,new QStandardItem(QObject::tr("%1").arg(QObject::tr("%1").arg(fTotal)))); - reportModel->setItem(i,4,new QStandardItem(QObject::tr("%1").arg(iTimes))); - reportModel->item(i,0)->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); - reportModel->item(i,2)->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); - reportModel->item(i,3)->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); - reportModel->item(i,4)->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); - reportModel->item(i,0)->setFont(QFont("Times", 10, QFont::Black)); - reportModel->item(i,1)->setFont(QFont("Times", 10, QFont::Black)); - reportModel->item(i,2)->setFont(QFont("Times", 10, QFont::Black)); - reportModel->item(i,3)->setFont(QFont("Times", 10, QFont::Black)); - reportModel->item(i,4)->setFont(QFont("Times", 10, QFont::Black));
Code removed
+ //Total Line + reportModelT->clear(); + reportModelT->setRowCount(1); + reportModelT->setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, new QStandardItem(tr("AddressLabel"))); + reportModelT->setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, new QStandardItem(tr("DateRange"))); + reportModelT->setHorizontalHeaderItem(2, new QStandardItem(tr("Type"))); + reportModelT->setHorizontalHeaderItem(3, new QStandardItem(tr("Payment amount"))); + reportModelT->setHorizontalHeaderItem(4, new QStandardItem(tr("Number of payments"))); + reportViewT->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection(0, 270); + reportViewT->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection(1, 120); + reportViewT->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection(2, 120); + reportViewT->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection(3, 140); + reportViewT->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection(4, 140); + reportModelT->setItem(0,0,new QStandardItem(tr("Total"))); + reportModelT->setItem(0,1,new QStandardItem(dateWidget->currentText())); + reportModelT->setItem(0,2,new QStandardItem(typeWidget->currentText())); + reportModelT->setItem(0,3,new QStandardItem(QObject::tr("%1").arg(QObject::tr("%1").arg(fTotal)))); + reportModelT->setItem(0,4,new QStandardItem(QObject::tr("%1").arg(iTimes))); + reportModelT->item(0,0)->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); + reportModelT->item(0,1)->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); + reportModelT->item(0,2)->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); + reportModelT->item(0,3)->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); + reportModelT->item(0,4)->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); + reportModelT->item(0,0)->setFont(QFont("Times", 10, QFont::Black)); + reportModelT->item(0,1)->setFont(QFont("Times", 10, QFont::Black)); + reportModelT->item(0,2)->setFont(QFont("Times", 10, QFont::Black)); + reportModelT->item(0,3)->setFont(QFont("Times", 10, QFont::Black)); + reportModelT->item(0,4)->setFont(QFont("Times", 10, QFont::Black)); + reportViewT->horizontalHeader()->hide();
Code replaced.
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
fix Total Line 2 : - commit
User interface changes
+ QTableView *reportViewT;
Code added
+ QStandardItemModel *reportModelT;
Code added
-#endif // REPORTVIEW_H +#endif // REPORTVIEW_H
Code replaced
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Adds in support for printing paper wallets : - commit
Adds support for printing paper wallets
+ ../src/qt/feathercoin.qrc + + QT + = \ + printsupport
Add code to .pro file.
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Adds in support for printing paper wallets : - commit
Adds support for printing paper wallets
+ qt5_modules="Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Network Qt5Widgets Qt5PrintSupport"
Replace code to add Qt5PrintSupport
+ QT_INCLUDES="-I$qt_include_path -I$qt_include_path/QtCore -I$qt_include_path/QtGui -I$qt_include_path/QtWidgets -I$qt_include_path/QtNetwork -I$qt_include_path/QtTest -I$qt_include_path/QtDBus -I$qt_include_path/QtPrintSupport"
Code replaced to add I$qt_include_path/QtPrintSupport
+ LIBS="$LIBS -L$qt_plugin_path/printsupport"
Code added
+ BITCOIN_QT_CHECK(AC_CHECK_LIB([${QT_LIB_PREFIX}PrintSupport],[main],,BITCOIN_QT_FAIL(lib$QT_LIB_PREFIXPrintSupport not found))) + _BITCOIN_QT_CHECK_STATIC_PLUGINS([Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QMinimalIntegrationPlugin)],[-lqminimal]) + _BITCOIN_QT_CHECK_STATIC_PLUGINS([Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QWindowsPrinterSupportPlugin)],[-lwindowsprintersupport])
Code added
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Adds in support for printing paper wallets : - commit
Adds support for printing paper wallets
+ forms/paperwalletdialog.ui \ + moc_verticallabel.cpp \ + res/icons/print.png \ + RES_FONTS = \ + res/fonts/ComicNeue-Bold.ttf \ + res/fonts/ComicNeue-Bold-Oblique.ttf \ + res/fonts/ComicNeue-Light.ttf \ + res/fonts/ComicNeue-Light-Oblique.ttf \ + res/fonts/ComicNeue-Regular.ttf \ + res/fonts/ComicNeue-Regular-Oblique.ttf + + verticallabel.cpp \ + verticallabel.cpp \ + res/images/paper_wallet.png \
Code added
Code replaced
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Adds in support for printing paper wallets : - commit
Adds support for printing paper wallets
+ paperWalletAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/icons/print"), tr("&Print paper wallets"), this); + paperWalletAction->setStatusTip(tr("Print paper wallets"));
Code added
+ connect(shapeshiftAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openShapeshiftClicked())); + connect(paperWalletAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), walletFrame, SLOT(printPaperWallets()));
Code replaced
+ file->addAction(paperWalletAction); + paperWalletAction->setEnabled(enabled);
Code added
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Adds in support for printing paper wallets : - commit
Adds support for printing paper wallets
+ QAction *paperWalletAction;
Code added
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Adds in support for printing paper wallets : - commit
Adds support for printing paper wallets
+ <file alias="print">res/icons/print.png</file>
Code added
+ <file alias="paper_wallet">res/images/paper_wallet.png</file>
Code added
+ <qresource prefix="/fonts"> + <file alias="ComicNeue-Bold">res/fonts/ComicNeue-Bold.ttf</file> + <file alias="ComicNeue-Bold-Oblique">res/fonts/ComicNeue-Bold-Oblique.ttf</file> + <file alias="ComicNeue-Light">res/fonts/ComicNeue-Light.ttf</file> + <file alias="ComicNeue-Light-Oblique">res/fonts/ComicNeue-Light-Oblique.ttf</file> + <file alias="ComicNeue-Regular">res/fonts/ComicNeue-Regular.ttf</file> + <file alias="ComicNeue-Regular-Oblique">res/fonts/ComicNeue-Regular-Oblique.ttf</file> + </qresource>
Code added
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Adds in support for printing paper wallets : - commit
Adds support for printing paper wallets
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> + <ui version="4.0"> + <class>PaperWalletDialog</class> + <widget class="QDialog" name="PaperWalletDialog"> + <property name="geometry"> + <rect> + <x>0</x> + <y>0</y> + <width>716</width> + <height>450</height> + </rect> + </property> + <property name="windowTitle"> + <string>Print Your Paper Wallets</string> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel" name="privateKeyQRCode"> + <property name="geometry"> + <rect> + <x>524</x> + <y>159</y> + <width>149</width> + <height>149</height> + </rect> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string/> + </property> + <property name="scaledContents"> + <bool>true</bool> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel" name="addressQRCode"> + <property name="geometry"> + <rect> + <x>47</x> + <y>86</y> + <width>120</width> + <height>120</height>
Initial code of new paper wallet ui file, 339 lines of code
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Adds in support for printing paper wallets : - commit
Adds support for printing paper wallets
Update to translation files text.
+ <source>This is experimental software.</source> + <translation>这是一个实验性软件。</translation> + </message> + <message>
New text
+ <message> + <source>Stealth Address</source> + <translation>隐身地址</translation> + </message>
New text
+ <source>&Print paper wallets</source> + <translation>打印纸钱包(&P)</translation> + </message> + <message>
New text
+ <message> + <source>Stealth Address</source> + <translation>隐身地址</translation> + </message>
New text
+ <name>PaperWalletDialog</name> + <message> + <source>Warning: Network Activity Detected</source> + <translation>警告:网络活动检测</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>It is recommended to disconnect from the internet before printing paper wallets. Even though paper wallets are generated on your local computer, it is still possible to unknowingly have malware that transmits your screen to a remote location. It is also recommended to print to a local printer vs a network printer since that network traffic can be monitored. Some advanced printers also store copies of each printed document. Proceed with caution relative to the amount of value you plan to store on each address.</source> + <translation>建议打印纸钱包之前从网上断开。尽管纸钱包是在您的本地计算机生成的,恶意软件仍有可能在不知不觉中将你的屏幕发送到远程。还建议打印到本地打印机和网络打印机之后,可以对网络流量进行监控。此外一些先进的打印机会存储每个打印文档的副本。因此,请对你的计划谨慎行事。</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Print Your Paper Wallets</source> + <translation>打印你的纸钱包</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Very New Address</source> + <translation>最新地址</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Public Key:</source> + <translation>公匙:</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Many Wallets?</source> + <translation>钱包个数?</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>So Print</source> + <translation>开始打印</translation> + </message> + <message> + <source>Close</source> + <translation>关闭</translation> + </message> + </context> + <context>
New text
+ <source>&Print paper wallets</source> + <translation>打印纸钱包(&P)</translation> + </message> + <message>
New text
Feathercoin specific changes made to convert Bitcoin to FTC 0.9.6.*
Adds in support for printing paper wallets : - commit
Adds support for printing paper wallets
src/qt/res/fonts/ComicNeue-Bold-Oblique.ttf src/qt/res/fonts/ComicNeue-Bold.ttf src/qt/res/fonts/ComicNeue-Light-Oblique.ttf src/qt/res/fonts/ComicNeue-Light.ttf src/qt/res/fonts/ComicNeue-Regular-Oblique.ttf src/qt/res/fonts/ComicNeue-Regular.ttf src/qt/res/icons/print.png src/qt/res/images/paper_wallet.png
New files added