\[advice\] Backup Those Wallets!
Do you have a copy of this batch file, we could modify to our specifications?
it’s very basic,
create a bat file backup_wallet.bat
win 7\8
(I create this in directory c:\users\appdata\roaming\feathercoin)[b] for (windows 7/8)
[/b]cd c:\users\(user profile)\appdata\roaming\feathercoin
copy wallet.dat feathercoin_wallet.dat
copy feathercoin_wallet.dat c:\(your own directory for wallet files)on my desktop, I have a backup.bat that launches each backup_wallet.bat from the directory of the coin (FTC, BTC etc.)
I run this every day, then ‘Duplicati’ automatically runs to backup the special wallet files folder to the cloud.[quote name=“goldbit89” post=“17699” timestamp=“1372207117”]
Do you have a copy of this batch file, we could modify to our specifications?
[/quote] -
One thing to note is this: If you only send/receive coins, but do not create additional addresses, additional backups are not required.
I like to keep redundant copies in case a hard drive crash etc.
even a good 'ol paper FTC wallet in case I forget my wallet password[quote name=“thep33t” post=“18096” timestamp=“1372353479”]
One thing to note is this: If you only send/receive coins, but do not create additional addresses, additional backups are not required.
[/quote] -
You can put a shortcut to the bat file in the Startup Folder.
Why backup if it can be stolen :/
heres how my backup bat file looks like:
@echo off
set DD=%DATE:~0,2%
set MM=%DATE:~3,2%
set YY=%DATE:~8,2%
set YYYY=%DATE:~6,4%
set HH=%TIME:~0,2%
set MN=%TIME:~3,2%set filename=wallet_date_%DD%_%MM%_%YY%_time_%HH%-%MN%
echo %filename%
copy C:\Users\fuzzypc\AppData\Roaming\Litecoin\wallet.dat c:\Users\fuzzypc\dropbox\Wallets\litecoin\%filename%.dat
copy C:\Users\fuzzypc\AppData\Roaming\feathercoin\wallet.dat c:\Users\fuzzypc\dropbox\Wallets\feathercoin\%filename%.dat
pauseAs you see i use date/time to just keep on backuping to a new file, if anything crashes or the like i just rename the most recent wallet and put it where it should be.
Use pause at the end to see that everything went OK. -
Here’s mine …
[code]@echo off
for /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%i in (‘date/t’) do set y=%%k
for /F “tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%i in (‘date/t’) do set d=%%k%%i%%j
for /F “tokens=5-8 delims=:. " %%i in ('echo.^| time ^| find “current” ') do set t=%%i%%j
set t=%t%_
if “%t:~3,1%”==”_” set t=0%t%
set t=%t:~0,4%
set “theFilename=%d%%t%”echo %theFilename%
copy %appdata%\Bitcoin\wallet.dat J:\Bitcoin\%theFilename%.dat
copy %appdata%\Devcoin\wallet.dat J:\Devcoin\%theFilename%.dat
copy %appdata%\digitalcoin\wallet.dat J:\digitalcoin\%theFilename%.dat
copy %appdata%\feathercoin\wallet.dat J:\Feathercoin\%theFilename%.dat
copy %appdata%\HoboNickels\wallet.dat J:\HoboNickels\%theFilename%.dat
copy %appdata%\Litecoin\wallet.dat J:\Litecoin\%theFilename%.dat
copy %appdata%\MultiBit\multibit.wallet J:\MultiBit\%theFilename%.wallet
copy %appdata%\Namecoin\wallet.dat J:\Namecoin\%theFilename%.dat
copy %appdata%\Novacoin\wallet.dat J:\Novacoin\%theFilename%.dat
copy %appdata%\Phenixcoin\wallet.dat J:\Phenixcoin\%theFilename%.dat
copy %appdata%\Primecoin\wallet.dat J:\Primecoin\%theFilename%.dat
copy %appdata%\Quarkcoin\wallet.dat J:\Quarkcoin\%theFilename%.dat
copy %appdata%\Stablecoin\wallet.dat J:\Stablecoin\%theFilename%.datpause[/code]
[b]The folders must exist on the backup drive[/b] or you can update the batch file to handle it.
[quote name=“cryptomaker22” post=“21010” timestamp=“1373433669”]
Why backup if it can be stolen :/
[/quote]Because if you’ve got the password only you can retrieve the backup, even it it is stolen. Brilliant, or what. Do that with regular money!.
P.S. Keep 2 backups, weekly.
What is the purpose of baking up weekly? I though once you had the .dat file if you put it on a new computer it would auto update the block chain and you’d have the correct balance?
Because everytime you generate another address to receive coins with, you create a new set of keys, which are stored in the wallet. That’s why you need to keep the wallet backed up.
So if I want to keep it all on one address I don’t need to backup more than once?
[quote name=“Egnar” post=“39573” timestamp=“1386171524”]
So if I want to keep it all on one address I don’t need to backup more than once?
[/quote]That’s the way I understood it!
I’m not absolutely sure what else might be stored in the wallet, so I can’t answer that definitively.
However, in general terms, I find that having different address for different people/entities who may be sending me coins help me keep track of what’s coming from where and allow me to keep on top of things more easily, so I back my wallet up weekly.