\[solved\] How does Rep ratings work?
Thank you!
Do I need to make a set amount of posts in order to give someone a good rep?Thanks
10 posts I’m told
+1 rep, ;D
In some instances “good” means “funny” just thought I’d throw that out there.
[quote name=“Ruthie” post=“40564” timestamp=“1386344497”]
In some instances “good” means “funny” just thought I’d throw that out there.
[/quote]Must be where I got mine from then :P .
Why can I only do one a day?
You can only give 1 rep to the same person in 24 hours, you can give rep to others in that same 24 hours :)
I will keep that in mind, I will only post once a day and one joke at a time!!! now that’s worth one isn’t it? come on its EXMAS I only have one. May I start a SECRET syndicate.
Hey, GSX
You could try pictures of Bikes?
A Feathercoin helmet, like Eros or Hermes?
FTC delivery service by bike?We can get a little technical, it’s very informative to get everyone’s perspective.
Hey, wrapperOfeather
I like those idea’s, Helmets and delivery service, don’t know how the second one will work? I need some hard coins man. Anyway I gave you a REP for that; Wink,Wink, Secret hand shake and all. Wecome to the Secret syndicate, as it is invite only. The initiation ceremony is next week. Helmets only.
Ok I will have to ride around with a laptop. Could I transfer with a phone? I know you can do it with Bitcoin.
[quote name=“Ruthie” post=“40564” timestamp=“1386344497”]
In some instances “good” means “funny” just thought I’d throw that out there.
[/quote]How many Feathercoin miners does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
All of them, but only 1 gets to lock it in place and take the credit for doing so, and only if the rest of the miners agree that he did so correctly, even though they’re the ones who made it difficult to do in the first place.
LOL I wish i hadn’t just given you rep for the LINK idea. I will wait and come back, I swear