Hello from Connecticut, USA
I’ve been following Bitcoin for a while now. I’m in that and looking at others. I rode LTC from 10$ to 43$ which was pretty sweet. I trade on BTC-e and one thing that I notice is the buy sell walls are very thick with FTC. What is the deal with this? I think it helps control the volatility of this coin but is that real money people have up there or what? Seems like someone with big pockets keeping this price in check. I really like the fact people are using FTC and there is a community around it. Pretty neat and hope the best for you all…for all of us. -
Yeah a few people out there are scared of feathercoin and like to keep us in check, but the more they beat us down the more we fight back, we have the most awesome community out of all the coins and now your part of the team, welcome on board. ;)
Also there is a great starter guide here if you want to get mining.
Take Care