P2pool - low difficulty coins - coin rebirth
Just wanted to congratulate Ghostlander (Feathercoin Staff and contributer), for successfully re-birthing Phoenix coin in 2013.
I was annoying what happened with UNOCs I and I think he saved a lot of people who were left in the lurch (to say the least), after successfully launching and supporting that coin. I personally helped monitor attacks and moved miners over at their request, so felt “well let down” by what happened.
Ghostlander has recently helped Spynapples set up a p2pool, which is a great learning exercise and now broadens Phoenicoin to a wider, more secure set of miners.
The difficulty is still very low at about 2, so you can even earn a few “coins” CPU mining. Which is also a good to start learning, as you can see the results quicker.
Poenixcoin p2pool
e.g. cpuminer
/minerd -o [url=http://icarus.phoenixcoin.org:10554]http://icarus.phoenixcoin.org:10554[/url] -u PgUCSbaBG2DSY8YSbK7mv6TjWN8BNFEoif+0.00002 -p -x
Just to provide a short update:
The node above will be retired in the next day or two and an announcement made on the official PXC website about a full P2Pool network for PXC, worked on and tested by ghostlander and myself, with testing hashrate from wrapper.
Thanks for all the help, and I hope you’ll be joining us on the PXC P2Pool with some of your hashes soon.
For now, if you’ve been mining on the above node, please move your miners to the following node, which is replacing it.
I’ll post again with the full announcement link when it’s up.
Thanks again.
Hey Spynappels,
The p2pool was working so well, I forgot it was a test!! well done man…
I updated the “top post” in case anyone else saw it…
Thanks wrapper, it was a genuinely fun learning experience and seems to work rather well!
Ok, my last post on this one, don’t want to spam the FTC board ;)
The official announcement of the PXC P2Pool network launch can be found at https://cryptocointalk.com/topic/3225-p2pool-for-phoenixcoin/
The network is carrying 5.5MH/s at the moment and getting a lot of blocks. Even CPU mining is still yielding coins. Feel free to join us, or roll your own P2Pool node. The source code is linked in the announcement above also.
I might have a crack at pointing my 2 r9’s there… I’ve not p2pooled before.
I’m running v0.6.5.0 of the PXC wallet…
It’s only got 1 connection to the network. Are there any nodes that can drop into the .conf to speed up syncing?
I’m pressuming the wallet needs to be synced before I can upgrade it to v0.6.5.1
Never mind. Got the wallet synced and upgraded…
I’ll try out the whole p2pool thing another time though. I’ve pointed my miners at d2’s pool. Nut2pools will not work at all for me ahy.
Yeah its a good coin with a good dev team. Would like to see them do well.
You can use the same if you want, as the P2Pool allocated mined coins on the basis of shares from miners which have a specific payment address listed,
Just a small point, but using many addresses will mean that the payment s to each address will be smaller, meaning you may need to pay higher fees if making a large payment due to many small inputs to a transaction.
Well, that was fun. :)