So I have a short list of fixes/updates I’ve done today / will end up hopefully doing tonight.
- reduced bounce to near minimal.
- fixed the hitbox for the player so now he actually rolls.
- made the canFly attribute global so the player is featured at the menu.
- reduced the sensitivity of the x value "for left and right
- increased the sensitivity of y value for down
- created a teleport to top or bottom which are tied to a and z
I have also created a “Hard Mode” which is actually an easteregg in the menu.
You start off with a bronze tint, at score 30 and with a steeper difficulty curve.What I have planned still, is the following:
- Coin pickups.
- Changing the menu audio loop.
- Animated characters and buttons.
- Individual button and character sounds.
- An actual end point for the level.
- A session scoreboard possibly.
- Polishing up the graphics design.?
- Polishing up the physics and controls.?
- A few other random idea’s I might be brewing.
If I can get this right, I would then like to pass it on to anyone who thinks they would be able to have the game mine ftc for the player.
Not sure how it would work but the idea would be that if they want to mine while playing, they enter a ftc address and it gives them a qr code of some form or sort. -
I am impress.
If you want any help with the graphics and stuff, lob some work my way :)
For sure ahy! I’ll let you know!
Rather than a miner, might you find it easier to have it function as a faucet funded by Advertising?
I honestly would not know where to start to do either.
That is an interesting idea though.
I think I want to just finish the game and get back on with other ftc projects. In time I’ll do more levels but I’m pretty content with what left I have planned.
Spacebar or click to flap
Directional keys can be used to dash down, flap up, float left and float right.
“W” is used to teleport to the top.
“A” is to teleport to the ground.Easteregg
At menu, hover the cursor over the ftc and then press spacebar to start game in “Hard Mode”.
I honestly would not know where to start to do either.
That is an interesting idea though.
I think I want to just finish the game and get back on with other ftc projects. In time I’ll do more levels but I’m pretty content with what left I have planned.
Ahh, sorry, just thinking out aloud. haha.
Ahh, sorry, just thinking out aloud. haha.
They’re both epic idea’s ahy.
Personally I would like to see the game mine for the player. I’d also love to see it up on the webpage. Have a global scoreboard as well, It could generate some traffic I hope.
http://www.bitcoinplus.com/miner/embeddable maybe if you could use something like this, I don’t know how hard it would be I don’t code :)
Maybe its something that could be incorporated into the forum??
New update. I have added a few new methods to scoring your performance…
kHash/s is coins collected / 60
coins collected is coins collectedspeed = “old score + more math depending on mode” (which was coins collected + enemies passed (per 1.6 sec per enemy))
Also, coin pickups now spawn on layer behind enemies so when they line up, generaly only the obstacle is visable.
The Alpha controls still apply to the download, updated controls apply only to the beta which is currently unavailable.
Controls have been updated - https://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php?/topic/6734-featherroller/?p=58662
New version just been uploaded, link has been updated on the 1st post but just incase…