Best Setting for GTX 970 (Maxwell)
Hopefully others out there have the new NVIDIA Cards (970 and 980) and we can find out the best settings. Here are my results for a **EVGA GTX 970 **(OC 200 clock, power goal 110%)
**Best settings (140 Khash) **- If you want to use your computer during mining
setx DISPLAY 0
cgminer.exe --neoscrypt -I 12 -w 32 -g 1
I find w 32 is best for gtx970, I just can’t set a **thread concurrency **as it makes the miner shut down, but i dont know if thats important, maybe cause its nvidia (not sure what the right code is to set TC, and what value to use)
You can set I to 13, it just depends if you want to be able to use your computer for other work
NOTE: I have triedI value of 15 and got 165 khash, so that is the max, just that the computer goes very very slow with this setting. Anything higher than I15 won’t run
Thanks :)
That’s pretty promising compared with the 750ti. Do we know the power requirements for the newer gen Maxwells?
cgminer.exe --neoscrypt -I 12 -w 64 -g 2
made my pc a bit usable again and getting 140 Khash, from testing a few numbers I can assume 150 KH is the max the gtx970 can do on neoscrypt at the moment on this cgminer unless I’m missing something big from the config
Its too bad cudaminer sucks :P
PS: I have a 200 OC on the clock with these numbers
Updated OP
That’s pretty promising compared with the 750ti. Do we know the power requirements for the newer gen Maxwells?
VERY power efficient, the numbers are on nvidias site
From my experiments, I’m using 75% of the power max
I’m tempted to buy one.
Updated OP
If you haven’t tried -I 10 yet give it a try I found it works best for all Nvidia cards that I have tested 460m 560m 660GTX 760GTX,
I have some GTX480’s and other older cards but have yet to test any of those.
i haven’t found that with the GTX 460 is 5kh/s faster using I13 over I12. A rather impressive for its age, 25 kh/s.