@Danlau One of the highest prioritie of the team has to test builds and create instructions for as many OSs as we can. What’s the point of having an advanced system if no one can run it (easily)?
We’d still like to do more, but obviously, the OSs with no build have a priority. We would also like options for other packaged systems, such as snaps, flatpacks and docker. Experimentation and investigation in those areas would mean these can be done easily, they just need more volunteers to manage the “Tasks” of updating the appropriate deployment channels.
Again, we have done most of that, registering for Launchpad etc, we just need secure system so that and members can assist to make those happen while still remaining private and in “control of the community.”
Currently, Admin trust members who have built up a reputation and have contributed real code, bounties, bug fixes or working FTC projects. This is reflected in trust to run servers, forum, github, or represent FTC.