\[solved\] User reports no shares submitted on pool \* Pool adjusted setup
I am wondering if some users could donate a few minutes of their time/shares/hashrate to the FTC stratum portion of our pool.
[b]I have had a user mention issues with shares not being submitted.[/b] a few of my local friends cannot replicate but I want to ensure since I have not seen more than the few local friends and one other user show up and actually submitting shares.
Stats are refreshed every 5 minutes. It would be cool if you could stay on a bit and ensure my hash rate calculation is right and that you can actually submit shares!
I really appreciate it. I am poor at the moment because I have sent my FTC to btc-e stupidly and am still waiting on my 100x confirms, since 8AM this morning! only at 52 at 11PM, but I can probably toss a few FTC around once it is ‘enrolled’ at btc-e.
If you want to create an account go for it. Otherwise I generated a few users for quick testing.
–url=stratum+tcp://ftc.crypdough.com:3336 --userpass=testuser0.1:x
–url=stratum+tcp://ftc.crypdough.com:3336 --userpass=testuser1.1:x
–url=stratum+tcp://ftc.crypdough.com:3336 --userpass=testuser2.1:x
–url=stratum+tcp://ftc.crypdough.com:3336 --userpass=testuser3.1:x
–url=stratum+tcp://ftc.crypdough.com:3336 --userpass=testuser4.1:x
–url=stratum+tcp://ftc.crypdough.com:3336 --userpass=testuser5.1:x
–url=stratum+tcp://ftc.crypdough.com:3336 --userpass=testuser6.1:x
–url=stratum+tcp://ftc.crypdough.com:3336 --userpass=testuser7.1:x
–url=stratum+tcp://ftc.crypdough.com:3336 --userpass=testuser8.1:x
–url=stratum+tcp://ftc.crypdough.com:3336 --userpass=testuser9.1:xIf you want to login as the user to get a feel for it, just use their respective username and ‘pass123’.
[b][i]User describes their miner never submitted shares. While I saw them show up in stratum pool output as being a new subscriber, they never showed any share submissions either. They had a ~180kh/sish hashrate. None of my local friends have a hashrate this low either[/i][/b].
Now it also seems this was when previous difficulty (?~127~?) and the network hashrate was rocking and blocks were being generated really quickly.
appreciate the testing… still fixing up a bit of the interface a bit…
I will lower the difficulty for that. I basically copied over stratum for ltc without much change besides essentials.