Cant log into pool using scriptminer or the feathercoin windows client
Hello I am a complete noob at this pool mining and cant get either of my miner to log into the feathercoin pool mining site. If I run the Feather coin windows client it mines solo with no problems at a hash rate of around 800/900
I want to try pool mining but everytime I try and connect to the featherpool site it just says: Coulent connect try checking your username or password.
I have followed the instuctions on the Getting Started page here and i still cannot get either the feathercoin windows cleint or the scyptminer to log in.
What am i doing wrong ? Do i use my worker username and pass or do i use my feathercoin pool username and password or is it something to do with the port
In case you haven’t figured it out yet is down for maintenance. For over a week now or about a week.
Try connecting to instead… hashrate has been going up recently
Are you still having problems after switching to a different pool? Let me know and we’ll get it working.