[FAQ] What is directory.io - generating custom addresses.
I saw the link of it on the btc-e trollbox few hours ago and until now I’m looking into it… [url=http://trollboxarchive.com/search.php?search_type=all&search=directory.io]http://trollboxarchive.com/search.php?search_type=all&search=directory.io[/url] check it and def. this is quite interesting.
In case this output is real and author is able to generate all of this addresses then is it possible to have a index of the public keys or during generation to check the indexed addresses from the blockchain?
What do you think?
About directory.io [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ruk0z/dont_panic_directoryio_thing_is_fake/]http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ruk0z/dont_panic_directoryio_thing_is_fake/[/url] It isn’t attack on the algorithm so no worries :)
[quote name=“slavco” post=“38513” timestamp=“1385939797”]
I saw the link of it on the btc-e trollbox few hours ago and until now I’m looking into it… [url=http://trollboxarchive.com/search.php?search_type=all&search=directory.io]http://trollboxarchive.com/search.php?search_type=all&search=directory.io[/url] check it and def. this is quite interesting.In case this output is real and author is able to generate all of this addresses then is it possible to have a index of the public keys or during generation to check the indexed addresses from the blockchain?
What do you think?
[/quote]I think it’s fantastic work. The output is very much real, and the author is able to generate all of these addresses… ready for this? In real time! When you hit the web page, he takes the number from the URL, and for each address, increments it by the number of items on a page multiplied by the page number. So that first address? That’s actually 0, and therefore not a valid address, but the one after it is. He’s not storing them, he’s generating them each time you load the page. Let say you have super computers that can scan the pages at 999 trillion pages/sec (without melting the web server to molten slag). To scan half of the pages would take more than 3,500,000,000 years (that’s 3.5 billion with a b).
It’s as I explained many times: ANY string of randomness can serve as a private key. This just demonstrates how many possibilities there really are.
Brilliant, and also totally useless.
Good, everything you said is correct.
As you can notice most of the people are saying that this project is useless or it’s the same as you have generated the pins from 0000-9999… but this is the project that is extension of the another project… Imagine you have generator of the all credit card numbers + pins and you have all transactions history created until now?
Rdy for gambling?
About probability: [url=http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4864740/github-repo-corruption-sha1-collision]http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4864740/github-repo-corruption-sha1-collision[/url]
Does this looks possible to you:
“If all 6.5 billion humans on Earth were programming, and every second, each one was producing code that was the equivalent of the entire Linux kernel history (1 million Git objects) and pushing it into one enormous Git repository, it would take 5 years until that repository contained enough objects to have a 50% probability of a single SHA-1 object collision.”But it happens too many times… According me how blockchain grows => grows the probability for someone to hit the adderess.
Good one: The author uses cloudflare to cache the pages 904625697166532776746648320380374280103671755200316906558262375061821325312 and ofc. it’s “effective” :D
Thanks for that info. I’ve learnt one new thing. My brain is nearly full…