[Guide] Setting up a Debian 6 based headless feathercoin daemon and p2pool
Okay i finally got this working and surprisingly the payout over the last hours seems higher then when using a centralized pool.
Why do you want to run a system like this:
- to learn about and from it
- to support the feathercoin network with p2pool
- to become less dependent from centralized/down poolservers
- to get more profit from your miners (no pool fee)
This HOW-TO describes how to setup an headless Feathercoin daemon with p2pool software.
I’ve this running on a VPS Debian 6 server without display or X, so headless.
Renting a VPS server at a decent hosting provider will cost you just €10,- per month.[HOWTO] Setup an headless P2Pool server for Feathercoin on Debian 6
Install and update Debian base and developement system
[code]sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8+±dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev git[/code]Install Feathercoin daemon
[code]cd ~/
git clone [url=https://github.com/FeatherCoin/FeatherCoin]https://github.com/FeatherCoin/FeatherCoin[/url]
cd ~/FeatherCoin/src
make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=-
sudo mv feathercoind /usr/sbin[/code]Run feathercoind once without any options to let it automagically create dirs and files
[code]sudo /usr/sbin/feathercoind
Copy the username and pasword it suggests !Config Feathercoin daemon
[code]nano -w ~/.feathercoin/feathercoin.conf
Paste the previous copied username and password
Add the following to the conf file:[code]server=1
rpcport=9667[/code]Close and save with CTRL-X
Start Feathercoin daemon
[code]sudo /usr/sbin/feathercoind
check for output[code]tail -f ~/.feathercoin/debug.log
Wait till it has downloaded/synchronised with the network, this could take a while.Setup p2pool software for feathercoin
[code]cd ~/
git clone [url=https://github.com/andreasfaerber/p2pool-feathercoin]https://github.com/andreasfaerber/p2pool-feathercoin[/url]
Install scrypt module for ltc that feathercoin uses:[code]cd ~/p2pool-feathercoin/litecoin_scrypt
sudo python setup.py install
Startup feathercoin p2pool[code]screen -d -m -S fcpool ~/p2pool-feathercoin/run_p2pool.py --net feathercoin -a YourFTCfeePayoutAddress -f 0 --give-author 0 --w 19327 --bitcoind-p2p-port 9336 --bitcoind-rpc-port 9667 feathercoinrpc yourgoodpasswordfromfeathercoin.confhere
If you start the p2pool server before feathercoin is finished downloading the blockchain you might get this error:
" p2pool.util.jsonrpc.NarrowError: -10 Feathercoin is downloading blocks…"
Just wait until the feathercoin daemon is readyCheck your p2pool server
go to [url=http://ftcpool.nl:19327]http://IP-adress-of-p2pool:19327[/url] to see some stats (click to see my pool as example)
change fee: -f 1 for 1% or -f 2 for 2%
donate to author: --give-author = 0.5 (default)
change client connect port: -w 80 for port 80Install P2Pool Extended Frontend
[code]cd ~/p2pool-feathercoin/web-static
git clone [url=https://github.com/hardcpp/P2PoolExtendedFrontEnd.git]https://github.com/hardcpp/P2PoolExtendedFrontEnd.git[/url] ./
cgminer startup example:
[code]cgminer â€"scrypt -o [url=http://IP-pool-server:19327]stratum+tcp://IP-pool-server:19327[/url] -u Your_Feathercoin_wallet_address_to_receive_coins -p x
[/code]Things TODO: (help appreciated)
â€" create system wide start-stop scripts
â€" implement watchdog or service daemonFTC: 6ecZXkx94qnkKUe5rGd3vkrX7oui5W6gGe
For the Web-frontend I suggest to use https://github.com/hardcpp/P2PoolExtendedFrontEnd
Just download zip and put all files into web-static dir of p2pool.
It’s done in a minute, and that frontend sees to be a standard for p2pools, or at least is used on most of them
Thanks, added changing the frontend to guide
I’ve set this up with a bare debian 6.08 i386 netinst installation.
I have a couple of questions.How long does it normally take for this blockchain to sync? been running for 12 hours and still not finished? The server is on fairly strong link, so speed isn’t a problem.
I am also unable to connect to my [url=http://xx.x.xxx.xxx:19327]http://xx.x.xxx.xxx:19327[/url] Firefox and IE give me “Unable to connect”
Any other dependancies i may need?
[quote name=“rokrep69” post=“46978” timestamp=“1387767961”]
I’ve set this up with a bare debian 6.08 i386 netinst installation.
I have a couple of questions.How long does it normally take for this blockchain to sync? been running for 12 hours and still not finished? The server is on fairly strong link, so speed isn’t a problem.
I am also unable to connect to my [url=http://xx.x.xxx.xxx:19327]http://xx.x.xxx.xxx:19327[/url] Firefox and IE give me “Unable to connect”
Any other dependancies i may need?
[/quote]You may need to reset the feathercoind a couple of times for the blockchain to download completely. You can tail debug.log in the feathercoind directory to see if it’s still updating or if it’s stuck.
You can also download a blockchain tar file at
[url=http://pool.maeh.org/ftc/blockchain/ftc_blockchain_0644-LATEST.tar.gz]http://pool.maeh.org/ftc/blockchain/ftc_blockchain_0644-LATEST.tar.gz[/url] (Currently from Dec 15th)
And untar that to your .feathercoin directory. This is still in format and will be updated / converted by your feathercoin daemon, if you already updated to 0.8.5. Will provide a blockchain backup for 0.8.5 in the next days, too.
MrSheep -
Here’s an updated version to 23-12-2013 with feathercoind 0.8.5
This is old, but still comes up on Google search, so for anyone trying to download the libdb and failing, switch the version from 4.8 to 5.1.********SEE NOTES AT BOTTOM*********
Apparently the the old one was outdated enough to completely remove from the standard apt-get repositories.
Also, if you’re building feathercoind on a virtual server or droplet, it seems no amount of allocated RAM will allow to build. You need swap space. Do that with:
free dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=1000 mkswap /var/swap.img swapon /var/swap.img free
Verify there isn’t any swap space, use line two to allocate some, line three to make it, line 4 to put it in use, line five to verify that it’s working. From there go back and sudo makefile as per these instructions.
up to 5.1? DON’T DO THIS. It breaks functionality not in ways that’ll eat your wallet or anything but it misbehaves with rpc shit.
Ever wonder why it “just works” for some people and not others? Those it works for have the bitcoin repository added before they run the command:
Add that, libdb4.8 will install just fine.
So, there, hopefully I saved some unsuspecting n00b building services for FTC some time.