[Solved] Can't Open Wallet - Delete & Redownload blockchain
I recently updated my QT client and had trouble with my block chain update where my client continued to crash during my updates. After trying over and over, reinstalling etc, I was finally able to get it to work however the program would crash every time I closed it. Now I decided to transfer 0.05 FTC to this wallet to see if it would still work but now whenever I try to open the client it just crashes with an error.
EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error
CWalletDB::ListAccountCreditDebit() : cannot create DB cursor
C:\Program Files (x86)\Feathercoin\feathercoin-qt.exe in Runaway exceptionClient does not open, just finished rescan, shows this error and crashes. I would like to know how to solve this, save my wallet, and prepare for a future instance for me and others that would come across this problem.
Try deleting your blockchain database .dat files (not your wallet.dat, you’ll lose your coins that way) and restarting the client. This should force it to rebuild the database from scratch. They’re in %appdata%/feathercoin
Can I assume this is solved? as the thread is dead?