Feathercoin mining during the Apocalypse
I can go one better… Hook those treadmills up to a power supply and mine feathercoin with em =^-^=
LOL, you might have to hang something in front of them to give people something to run for, let think, matchers and candles? Tin of beans, what’s best for killing zombies? Shotgun shells ;D
[quote name=“MrFeathers” post=“50614” timestamp=“1389154838”]
haha, i think he means those treadmills are for the zombies. they will keep running on the mills forever trying to get inside the house. ;D
[/quote]Bingo 8)
[quote name=“Calem” post=“50445” timestamp=“1389099021”]
[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q71/1521905_660521257322245_2073860253_n.jpg[/img]I can go one better… Hook those treadmills up to a power supply and mine feathercoin with em =^-^=
[/quote]lulz, this image started a long thread on my (IRL) FB page because I pointed out that the grid would go down, next guy “generators”, me “gas shortage” and on and on.