EFloys - artificial life aquarium
As part of getting up to speed on Github, I uploaded an old project of mine. I added some evolution and some other features to the eFloys Java program when I was learning Java to experiment with A.I techniques and evolutionary programming. The coloured eFloys breed if they can eat more green eFloys.
It was an interesting project, but showed the necessity for a richer environment. Still, you can evolve some cool shapes and behaviours and it is also is customisable by text editing the start values in the EFloys.html file…
In this version they often join to form multipath organisms. I’d would have liked to do more updates, I lost version 7 in a big PC crash, that had a 3 D environment, where they got smaller further away. Any improvements I can learn about pulls… The main thing I never got round to was to give them a small brain by a neural net.
Some things were reimplemented from memory. It could also do with a more experienced programmers to give its a bit in need of a tidy up.