\[Last Lead Request\] Research Lead -- we REALLY need your help
There are obviously opportunities to lead their own FTC projects, I strongly recommend it! Right now, I’m looking for 1 more lead position to finish the initial structure. This is an interesting position, here’s a few examples:
- Keeping a close watch on LTC forums and relaying any major jumps they are making (example: new merchants, processors etc…)
- Watching the news related to alt coins and updating the community on recent happenings
- Keeping up to date on anything related to crypto that the other team leads could utilize
- Watching for forum posts that spread FUD about FTC and relaying it to our FUD destroyers. :)
This is a much needed role in the community. I spend much of my morning handling these types of duties and PMing the information to different team members. Having someone take this role would allow me to offer additional help to all teams.
Who wants to step up?
Just out of curiosity, about how much time would need to be spent per week/day on this?
[quote name=“Agozyen” post=“5772” timestamp=“1369324826”]
Just out of curiosity, about how much time would need to be spent per week/day on this?
[/quote]Whatever can be spared. If time is slim, we can always add on a 2nd lead and additional people to support it. It’s stone soup… whatever you guys want to throw in the pot is awesome!
Sign me up then, I’ll dedicate a few weeks of my mornings to this until it’s obvious that I am or am not right for the position.
I can start tomorrow :)