Free FeatherCoins & Other Crypto-Currencies to New Comers.
On a daily bases I’m getting about 0.00002419 FeatherCoins or FTC’s added to my QoinPro account for doing absolutely nothing.
I log into my QP account from time to time and check my balances from not just that one coin but others like Bitcoin, Fadoracoin,InfiniteCoin. I can’t wait until they soon add DOGECOIN! So if your new to Feathercoin or crypto-currencies please drop by my
QoinPro page to get started on your journey to making free cryptocoins daily, remember the more you refer the higher % payouts
you’ll make. Theres no complicated mining, or tasks to do there, just free daily cryptocoins added to your own account like clock work.
Join entirely free there is absolutely no monthly fees, or costs to join! Get started today and make free feathercoins!
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Ah so its a pyramid scheme? Sounds like fun!
Sounds more like a faucet… Well, you can get 0.00002419 FTC per day! That’s, an awesome 4e-6 $ per day! And without power costs! Why is people still mining, I don’t get it. ;)
Well yeah you could be right. As long as you don’t have to pay any money in.
The idea of having to get a layer of people into the system below you to get something out seems odd.
A faucet would be a great thing (free money) but it would be interesting to know how this site worked and where exactly are those coins coming from?
Just feel that if something looks too good to be true it usually is!