Never updated wallet, scared
I mined feathercoin about a year ago but just let them sit. Today I wanted to buy some stuff so I figured I would sell some feathercoins. I didn’t realize my wallet was out of sync when I tried to send my coins to a trading website. So now I sent them from my wallet and they aren’t on the site. Have I already lost them for good? or is there a way to update my wallet without losing them?
I doubt you have lost all your coins. It may be worth taking a backup (a copy you put somewhere safe like another computer or USB pen) of you wallet.dat file (search for %appdata% in windows and open the Feathercoin folder - or click backup wallet from the menu in the wallet itself)
Then download and update your wallet software.
Please follow kris_davison’s advice. You can also backup from inside the Feathercoin client by going to File -> Backup wallet.
What version is your wallet?
If it is older than then there may be some additional steps to take to get your wallet working again.
Please download the installer linked below, run it to install the latest version and then run the client.
Let us know how you get on.