Free Money (Feathercoin) - Viral Video
This is serving as a reminder for myself but anyone is obviously more than welcome to do their own version.
O.k, so before I forget;
Public promo video where a person stands in public with a sign;
Free Money (Feathercoin)
Android devices only sorryor something…
A person approaches…
Hi, I’m doing a promotional video for youtube. If you consent to your image been used online, I’ll pay you a few cents for your time.
(I’ll find a template to print out for people’s to sign to make this legit)
You give a brief pitch on ftc for the uneducated. (Hopefully they are tech savvy enough to understand the lingo, hence the “android” statement). Example below.
Feathercoin is a way to directly send money to another person for free. It’s like Paypal meets Torrents and runs on advanced encryption algorithms.
No one owns it and anyone can help make it better.
People run a program to help process the transactions and they collect the fees in return.
You use an app or a program on your computer to store your feathercoin.
It’s still in beta but if you’re willing to download the android wallet, I’ll send you a few cents for your time?
If they accept, you help them setup a wallet and demonstrate sending feathercoin.
If they react positively, offer them x10 more ftc if they can figure out on the spot to send back half of what you sent them. (I’ll use my ftc shirt wallet for them to scan but anyone could use a paper wallet for example)
You show them on your phone that you received the coins in your phone wallet and you then send them back the promised coins.
Do this until you have footage of a handful of reactions, edit it down with some music and graphics, then promote it.