Feathercoin decimals and smallest value
I could go and try finding that information burried in the code, or ask here and have it as a record (since the about page only shows the 336M maximum value). So can anyone tell me what the minimum value of a FTC is and by that also how many decimals it uses? BTC is 8 decimals so smallest value is 0.00000001 BTC.
Hi yes we also have 8 decimals the same as BTC although if needed we could potentially raise this limit at a later date if needed.
Why you ask? Do you need more?
I can’t imagine why to need more right now…
Thanks! No I don’t need more, just need the correct number to make my code classes work in the correct way.
Cool happy to help.
Would love to hear about your project sometime if your happy to share? :)
The project has been in private alpha for a year now, using mainly bitcoin and a bit of litecoin. It’s going to be invite only beta soonish and will support Feathercoin as well. Stay tuned.
Looking forward to it. :)
Sounds interesting :)
Interesting point.