Feathercoin Electrum wallet?
Just spotted this and though why don’t we have one of these? Looks cool and simpler for everyday peeps. Also may be better for mobile wallets. :)
Oops forgot link.
Cheers fr that Kris. Interesting. I’ve been following the electrum development on Github, so it was interesting to see this version of the project emerge. Plus, it is all open source. You are right that it might simplify things, which needs to happen.
I’m not sure how difficult it is to setup I’m hoping the server side will just run alongside feathercoind and the client side is all python apparently.
I’ll have another dig and see if I can find more details. :)
Build it Kris! Do it!
for sure it can be a solution for mobile clients, where storage of the blockchain may become a problem in the future.
The question is how to find a ‘trusted’ server, or is even that not needed and any feathercoind installation would do it? Then every pool yould act as a server…
Yeah the electrum server is just an api over Feathercoind plus it does a bit of pruning so all nodes should be equal.
@thebobinater said:
did this project ever come to fruition and get finished? if not, I’d like to help out however I can, whether it’s through donation or coding.:)
That is very much welcome. Feel free to act.
We didn’t follow up on this.We had a similar idea to separate the block chain and it’s tools/services from the wallets, but other tasks took preference.
If you are willing to follow up on this and re-code it for feathercoin, It’s highly appreciated. May be @kris_davison also can find some time to code some parts.
kris was very quiet lately due to familiy affairs :dancer:By the way, there is a comparable solution offered by a worldcoin guy here which seems to be interesting, but also a bit complex.