Wallet syncing 3 years behind
It started at 6 jumped to 4. It’s been two hours and is now at 3 years 21 weeks. Is there anyway to speed this up? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it.
Restarting it helps when it gets stuck. -
Welcome to the forum :D
It is a common problem, that new wallets need a long time to sync.
This is related to the block checking and the initial sync can take several days.
One way reported to speed the sync up is to close and re-open the wallet, when you notice that the sync is stalled. -
Hi and welcome to the members forum
Which version of are you using? Feathercoin-qt will take a day to sync, depending on your PC and connection. Each transaction has to be checked, it is not just a download.
It’s a new wallet. The debug console is filled with orphan block clearing. I downloaded the latest version. I’ll just wait it out if that’s what it does, it moves along.
Just power through dude.
Keep it running as much as you can and it will soon be in sync :)
Ive been going a good couple of days now.