If you want to spend ONE feathercoin for a great story, you can. I plan to hold on to any feathercoins I get, because there would be nowhere to spend them unless I got over to London.
And had a beer at the Oxford!
At any rate, if one of you wants to spend one here: [url=http://vbonnaire.wordpress.com/2013/12/10/one-story-one-coin-and-only-one-coin-cryptocurrency-robin-hood-xxoo/?postpost=v2]http://vbonnaire.wordpress.com/2013/12/10/one-story-one-coin-and-only-one-coin-cryptocurrency-robin-hood-xxoo/?postpost=v2[/url]
I hope I did that correctly. I’ve been working on some really fab stories all based on Suede and all in my genre – you can see those storyboards over in Pinterest. Nothing vulgar I might add.
So I tried and have my wallet. And I don’t want to beg for a coin? So I have a story to offer. Also, I might be able to get some of the coins from ebay that I saw? And if I earn some coins I will buy something from your marketplace – a perfume thing I saw – orange…
That story Midnight Suede is all about the evil in banksters & Wall Street types. That’s next to get formatted.
ps: as far as “coinbase” goes? Forget it! And as far as bitcoin goes? forget that too!
(It was the Paddington bear music here)