This is old, but still comes up on Google search, so for anyone trying to download the libdb and failing, switch the version from 4.8 to 5.1.********SEE NOTES AT BOTTOM*********
Apparently the the old one was outdated enough to completely remove from the standard apt-get repositories.
Also, if you’re building feathercoind on a virtual server or droplet, it seems no amount of allocated RAM will allow to build. You need swap space. Do that with:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=1000
mkswap /var/swap.img
swapon /var/swap.img
Verify there isn’t any swap space, use line two to allocate some, line three to make it, line 4 to put it in use, line five to verify that it’s working. From there go back and sudo makefile as per these instructions.
up to 5.1? DON’T DO THIS. It breaks functionality not in ways that’ll eat your wallet or anything but it misbehaves with rpc shit.
Ever wonder why it “just works” for some people and not others? Those it works for have the bitcoin repository added before they run the command:
Add that, libdb4.8 will install just fine.
So, there, hopefully I saved some unsuspecting n00b building services for FTC some time.